Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Zara Update

Since Freya left on Saturday, it's been a time of adjustments for Zara. Instead of having a 'litter' we now have our new 'puppy' and so it's different. We have given her a big crate (as her bed) with a small pen attached, which has toys, a water bowl and a toilet tray (as she uses it so well I decided to go for the easy option and keep it). She isn't quite as happy about being left in the pen, as you'd expect. The other dogs, so far, are pretty good with her - except for Holly. I do give her time being free (but supervised) on the house, trips out and about, playtime in the garden, training etc. When she is in the pen she sometimes gets kongs / puzzle toys / frozen carrots. Having a puppy is hard work though! Today she managed to chew up a chunk out of the lino in her pen and pee in the van. We took her out with us to Tesco's and she saw lots of people walking by, one person put their hand out to her, she saw traffic and lots of trolleys being pushed and rattling. She was fine with all of that but not impressed about being left in the van for about twenty minutes (something that is great about service puppies is being able to take them everywhere!). Even though there are some challenges, she is such a fun puppy <3

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