Sunday, 26 July 2015

Zara's First Show!

I haven't been good at updating the blog yet again! Anyway, we took Zara to her first show yesterday; IKC All Breed Championship Show. Gilbert was also entered. This was the first day they could be shown, as it was their four month old birthday.

The day didn't begin as we had planned though. We got up early and we're ready to leave pretty much on time but the van wouldn't start. After trying different things to solve the issue, eventually at 10 we were ready to leave (we were supposed to leave at 7!). I texted Gilbert's owner, she said the judging was taking ages so we should still make it.

As soon as we arrived we got the dogs out and headed to the outside ring (it was originally to be inside, but we got moved and I was happier about that). Zara to being with was a little nervous as it was crowds of people and dogs everywhere, although she is very confident with people (so far) she can be shy with new dogs. We saw Gilbert, and the three dogs he lives with, one of whom is Gandhi, the puppies sire. I think Zara & Gilbert recognized each other (this was their second time meeting up after Gilbert left us). They were still judging the Doberman's so we sat down on the grass. Zara said hello to many lovely Bernese and we met Saphy's owner, although she didn't have Saphy with her. Zara also met two of her cousins!

Zara did really well at showing. She was happy with the judge handling her and moved nicely. She got Best Baby Puppy Bitch. We also got to see Gilbert in the ring and he was Best Baby Puppy Dog. They went in together then and when they were moving they were trying to play - Zara was trying to chase him! Gilbert got Best Baby Puppy in Breed. Gandhi was Best in Breed!

We then watched the Agility and Holly & Wilson had a go. Zara enjoyed that. I am really pleased with how well she did :)

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